7 Incredible Ashwagandha Benefits for Men

Ashwagandha benefits that cater to men’s needs? Yes! We have quite a list that you might want to look into. Read on to find out more. Men, have you been looking for natural remedies that might help your overall health?

If yes, you’ve found just the article you need!

Ashwagandha, an ayurvedic herb, might be your answer. It offers a list of benefits that you can take a look at in our article, Ashwagandha benefits. However, the star of this article is Ashwagandha benefits for Men; so without any further ado, let’s dive right in!

Ashwagandha, a brief

Ashwagandha, an ancient herb that has been around since the beginning of time, has recently started gaining popularity due to the west adapting to Southeast Asian practices, in this context, medicinal practices. 

Ashwagandha, scientifically known as Withania somnifera, also goes by “Indian Ginseng” and “Indian Winter Cherry.” This herb is a Rasayana, a herbal preparation known to improve and promote the youthful state of physical and mental health while promoting a sense of happiness and contentment.

This herb that has gripped the medicinal world offers various health benefits. It is adaptogenic and is found to help treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Alzheimer’s. It helps enhance the function of the brain, nervous system, reproductive system and can improve memory [1].

7 Ashwagandha Benefits for Men

7 Incredible Ashwagandha Benefits for Men

1. Increases testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone found in both the male body and the female body; however, it is more prevalent in men than it is in women. The testicles are responsible for the production of this hormone. Since the female anatomy lacks this organ, the ovaries step in and take over testosterone production [2].

The levels of testosterone are high during puberty and start dropping once you reach your 30’s. Testosterone is associated with your sex drive, sperm production, bone and muscle mass, weight, red blood cell production, and mood.

The most common treatment to increase testosterone levels is testosterone replacement therapy, wherein you are injected with artificial testosterone. These are administered either orally, through injections, or with gels and skin patches.

Now, although a treatment already existed, researchers conducted tests to find a more natural alternative.One of these tests proved that ashwagandha could help boost testosterone levels. It was due to this that ashwagandha as an alternative to testosterone replacement therapy was popularized [3]

2. Improves sperm quality and therefore increases fertility

Infertility is a condition that has gripped around 15% of couples globally. Out of this 15%, 20-30% of cases come from men being infertile. Overall, men contribute to around 50% of the cases [4].

This increase in infertility amongst men is primarily due to suboptimal sperm parameters. This could mean a low sperm concentration, poor sperm motility, or abnormal morphology [5]. Men who experience these conditions do so due to various reasons such as genetics, undescended testes in the scrotum, chemotherapy, ejaculatory problems, imbalance in hormones, STDs, etc.

When couples experience infertility, their go-to treatment is Intravaginal Insemination (IVI) or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), both of which are expensive, invasive, and with a limited success rate. However, with the rise in popularity of Ayurveda, ashwagandha has proved to be a possible alternative that can improve spermatogenic activity in men [6].

3. Increases muscle mass and strength

As men age, their metabolism is affected, and as a result, they might experience physiological and functional impairments. Their testosterone levels also start depleting and cause adverse body composition changes. 

This involuntary loss of muscle mass and strength as one grows old is termed sarcopenia.

Consuming ashwagandha supplements can help improve testosterone production and reverse these body composition changes that come with age [1,7]. If age is not a factor and you wish to increase your muscle mass and strength to maybe adapt to a healthier lifestyle or improve your gym performance, ashwagandha supplements can be helpful [8].

4. Lowers body fat

Increased body fat levels are usually the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. This can be treated by fixing your diet and getting your body moving; however, altering your lifestyle alone won’t be sufficient when stress is the cause of your increased weight or body fat levels.

Chronic stress might lead to an altered eating pattern. You might start craving sugary items and other unhealthy foods such as soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. This habit that you might cultivate while undergoing chronic stress can increase your body fat levels.

Ashwagandha is one of the few herbal extracts that has been associated with calming properties. Due to certain compounds present, like withanolides, this herb can help reduce stress and body weight [9].

5. Reduces Cortisol (a Testosterone Stealer)

Cortisol, a stress hormone, can lower your blood testosterone levels. This can result in impotence, loss of libido and affect your overall health [10]. Cortisol is often released when one is undergoing stress. So normally, it makes sense to control your stress levels to reduce your cortisol levels that can affect your testosterone levels. Ashwagandha is adaptogenic and has proven to reduce stress levels. Therefore, ashwagandha can help reduce your cortisol levels [11].

6. Treats Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions that men experience. This condition could be biological, a result of their age, or due to increased stress levels.

Although there is sufficient evidence for the efficacy of various other treatments like lifestyle modifications, oral drugs, injected vasodilator agents, and vacuum erection devices, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of ashwagandha and its ability to treat erectile dysfunction. However, since ashwagandha is used to relieve stress, one might consider it a viable treatment for erectile dysfunction, especially if it is triggered by chronic stress.

7. Enhances Sexual Pleasure

Ashwagandha is not just a stress reliever; it is also an aphrodisiac. An aphrodisiac is a substance, extract, or food that can help increase one’s sexual desire, arousal, pleasure, behavior, and performance in bed. This herb has appeared in the ancient text Kama Sutra and has claimed to be an effective aphrodisiac.

Since there isn’t any scientific evidence of this being true, people’s experiences, and texts that have been brought down through history, are our most reliable sources.

However, at the end of the day, your personal experience with ashwagandha for sexual pleasure can vary from that of another; this doesn’t mean that either of your experiences is irrelevant.

How to Consume Ashwagandha?

The ashwagandha plant in itself is a medicinal herb. However, the roots of this plant are used more commonly for various ailments and conditions. The Ashwagandha root is found in the form of a powder, a pill, and even as a tincture.

Ashwagandha powder can be consumed with milk or honey. You could also opt for almond milk or oat milk and jaggery for a vegan alternative. Ashwagandha pills can be consumed like any other tablet but ensure to do so on your doctor’s advice. Ashwagandha tincture is considered to be the most bioavailable form and can be made at home. Adding a drop or two under your tongue is ideally how a tincture is consumed.

Side Effects of Ashwagandha 

Ashwagandha is a herb that doesn’t cause any significant side effects if consumed in the right dosages. In small amounts and doses, it may not cause any side effects whatsoever. However, due to the lack of long-term studies, there is no proof of any side effects caused due to small or medium doses.

Consuming large amounts of this herb can cause

  • Digestive issues
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Ashwagandha is also known for its heating property. Consuming it might make you feel hotter than usual. However, you can avoid this effect by taking it with your food or during the day. A few properties of ashwagandha can prove to be harmful if you might have other health conditions. Therefore, always consult a doctor or a health specialist before you start incorporating this herb into your diet.


Is ashwagandha good for men?

Yes, amongst all the benefits ashwagandha offers, a majority of it is focused on bettering men’s overall health.

How does ashwagandha work for men?

Ashwagandha does not have any particular property that is beneficial to men alone. The benefits it offers cater to men’s needs. Men often fail to perform sexually due to stress and using ashwagandha, an adaptogen and an aphrodisiac can help them deal with such circumstances.

Is ashwagandha bad for the liver?

No, ashwagandha is not bad for the liver. In fact, it is known to improve liver damage from toxins, radiations, fatty liver diseases, etc.

When should I avoid consuming this herb?

If you have certain medical conditions like diabetes, high or low blood pressure, stomach ulcers, autoimmune diseases, or thyroid disorders, try and avoid this herb, or consult a professional before taking it. If you do not fall under any of these categories, it is safe to say that you can consume ashwagandha.

Wrapping Up

Ashwagandha is a herb that is as old as time. Mentioned in the ayurvedic books that guided the Indian saints, this herb has many benefits. Out of all the benefits it can offer, a good list is dedicated to the men. It can help with their testosterone levels and problems that might come with age.

Ashwagandha can be consumed in various ways. If you opt to consume it in the form of a powder, you can get quite creative with how you do so. However, regardless of the manner of your consumption, the benefits you receive will remain the same. Although Ashwagandha is a natural alternative to allopathy medications, it might still have a few side effects. Consulting a doctor, a naturopath, or a health provider will be your best bet at avoiding any harmful side effects while still making the best use of this herb.


  1. Singh, Narendra et al. “An overview on ashwagandha: a Rasayana (rejuvenator) of Ayurveda.” African journal of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicines : AJTCAM vol. 8,5 Suppl (2011): 208-13.
  2. Burger, Henry G. “Androgen production in women.” Fertility and sterility vol. 77 Suppl 4 (2002): S3-5.
  3. Lopresti, Adrian L et al. “A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study Examining the Hormonal and Vitality Effects of Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera) in Aging, Overweight Males.” American journal of men’s health vol. 13,2 (2019): 1557988319835985.
  4. Agarwal, Ashok et al. “A unique view on male infertility around the globe.” Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E vol. 13 37 (2015).
  5. Kumar, Naina, and Amit Kant Singh. “Trends of male factor infertility, an important cause of infertility: A review of literature.” Journal of human reproductive sciences vol. 8,4 (2015).
  6. Ambiye, Vijay R et al. “Clinical Evaluation of the Spermatogenic Activity of the Root Extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in Oligospermic Males: A Pilot Study.” Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM vol. 2013 (2013): 571420.
  7. Shin, Myung Jun et al. “Testosterone and Sarcopenia.” The world journal of men’s health vol. 36,3 (2018): 192-198.
  8. Wankhede, Sachin et al. “Examining the effect of Withania somnifera supplementation on muscle strength and recovery: a randomized controlled trial.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition vol. 12 43 (2015).
  9. Choudhary, Dnyanraj et al. “Body Weight Management in Adults Under Chronic Stress Through Treatment With Ashwagandha Root Extract: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.” Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine vol. 22,1 (2017): 96-106.
  10. Brownlee, Kaye K et al. “Relationship between circulating cortisol and testosterone: influence of physical exercise.” Journal of sports science & medicine vol. 4,1 (2005): 76-83 .
  11. Salve, Jaysing et al. “Adaptogenic and Anxiolytic Effects of Ashwagandha Root Extract in Healthy Adults: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Clinical Study.” Cureus vol. 11,12 e6466 (2019).
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