9 Amazing Natural Remedies For Nose Bleeding

Although nosebleeds might be terrifying, they rarely indicate a severe medical condition. The majority of nosebleeds may be treated at home, however, some symptoms should be reviewed by a doctor. Read everything about nose bleeding.

Nosebleeds are a common medical condition in both adults and kids between the ages of 3 and 10. Even though bleeding from the nose can be horrifying, it rarely indicates a severe medical condition. Most people will encounter nosebleeds at some point in their lives because of the nose position and the high concentration of blood vessels there.

Do you know what are the leading causes of nosebleeds? The most frequent factor causing nosebleeds is local trauma. This can include picking your nose or causing physical harm to your face. In addition, nose bleeding can also be caused by foreign bodies, sinus or nasal infections, and prolonged inhalation of dry air [1].

What is a nosebleed?

A nosebleed occurs when blood is lost from the tissue that covers the inside lining of your nose. Nosebleeds (also termed as epistaxis) are quite common [2]. The nose is a common site for damage and nosebleeds due to its central location on the face and the significant number of blood vessels that are close to the surface in its lining.

What causes nose bleeding?

There are multiple causes of nosebleeds, even though the majority are not severe. The following are a few of the most frequent causes of nosebleeds:

  •   Direct Injury: A hit to the face can damage the inner lining of a person’s nose, resulting in bleeding.
  •   Irritation: Constantly picking or blowing your nose increases the risk of bleeding from the inner lining.
  •   Foreign bodies: When present in the nasal cavity, microbes might irritate nearby blood vessels and tissue, resulting in nose bleeding.
  •   Variations in altitude and frequent air travel: Frequent changes in air pressure levels and altitude can cause your nasal blood vessels to expand and contract constantly. These variations can cause nosebleeds.
  •   Inflammation: Allergies and infections like sinusitis can cause inflammation, which can harm the blood vessels in the nose.
  •   Humid surroundings: Low humidity environments can cause nose tissue to crack, which can result in bleeding.
  •   Severe kidney and liver ailments: Liver and kidney diseases can prevent blood from clotting, which can cause severe or frequent nosebleeds in patients.
  •   Medications: Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) or blood thinners can result in nosebleeds. In addition, nasal steroid drugs can also cause nosebleeds.
  •   Illegal substances: Consumption of cocaine or the use of other substances ingested through the nose might damage the nasal lining and result in bleeding.
  •   Irritants: Smoke or exposure to other irritating fumes can harm the nasal lining and result in nosebleeds.

Other, less frequent reasons for nosebleeds include:

  •   Drinking alcohol
  •   Having high blood pressure
  •   Undergoing a facial or nasal surgery
  •   Having nasal tumors
  •   Pregnancy

Who gets a nosebleed?

Most people will get nosebleeds from time to time. Nosebleeds can happen to anyone, but they most frequently affect:

  •   Young children (2–10 years old)
  •   Senior citizens (65+)
  •   Pregnant women
  •   Those who are prescribed blood-thinning medications
  •   Those who suffer from blood-clotting disorders such as hemophilia

If you suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension) or a blood clotting condition, nose bleeding might also be more intense or last longer.

How to cure nose bleeding permanently at home?

Most nosebleeds are not serious. However, you can take the following steps to treat nosebleeds at home:

Treatment 1:

Put a few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cotton pad and apply it into your nostrils. This helps in lowering your nose’s blood flow.

Treatment 2:

The majority of you frequently wonder how to stop a nosebleed with ice? You should apply an ice pack to provide a cold compress over the bridge of your nose for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Your nose will stop bleeding and swell less because the blood vessels will get constricted.

Treatment 3:

Press your thumb and fingers firmly against your nostril for five to ten minutes while breathing through your mouth. This could cause an end to your nosebleed.

Treatment 4:

To stop blood from flowing down your throat during a mild nosebleed, sit up straight with your head and body tilted slightly forward. You might feel nauseous if you swallow blood.

Treatment 5:

Nosebleeds might occur due to vitamin K shortage. In order to avoid further nosebleeds, eat a lot of vitamin K-rich foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, blackberries, blueberries, grapes, etc.

Treatment 6:

To stop a nosebleed, put a thin layer of moisturizing ointments inside your nose, such as Vaseline or an antibacterial nasal lotion. After the bleeding has stopped, wait at least 12 hours before blowing your nose or putting anything else inside.

Treatment 7:

Include foods high in beneficial vitamin C and antioxidants, such as apples, garlic, citrus fruits, watermelon, and onions in your diet. These help in strengthening the capillaries [3], reducing their possibility to bleed.

Treatment 8:

A nosebleed might result from dryness within the nasal membranes. Therefore, to moisturize the inner lining of the nasal passages, drink plenty of water daily, together with a pinch of salt.

Treatment 9:

Nettle leaf is a natural ingredient, making it an effective herbal treatment for nosebleeds. Nettle solution prevents nosebleeds from occurring due to allergies. Prepare fresh nettle leaf tea. Dip a cotton pad into the solution and apply it into your nostrils. Simply leave the cotton pad there for 5-10 minutes until the bleeding stops.

Nose bleeding in winter remedies

You cannot prevent nosebleeds from occurring, however, there are certain measures you should take to reduce your probabilities of getting a nosebleed.

  •   Keep your nasal passage moist. Nosebleeds can be caused due to dryness. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to your nose using a cotton swab three times per day to prevent nose bleeding.
  •   Apply a saline nasal spray. It keeps the inside of your nose moist by spraying it in your nostrils.
  •   Put a humidifier around your house. The dry air in your home may be the reason for your dry nostrils which can crack the inner membrane of your nose and result in nosebleeds.
  •   Completely avoid smoking. Regularly smoking can dry up and irritate the inside of your nose due to the prevalence of foreign particles.
  •   Avoid picking your nose. Don’t blow or rub your nose too vigorously. Keep your fingernails short and refrain from picking your nose if you have frequent nosebleeds.
  •   Avoid overusing cold and allergy medicines. These could make your nose dry. Some drugs have the potential to worsen or even start nosebleeds.

How severe are nosebleeds?

Most nosebleeds are not serious. However, frequent or severe nosebleeds may be a sign of more serious health issues, like high blood pressure [4] or disease of blood clotting, and should be examined right after.

Excessive bleeding that lasts for a long time might also result in further severe health issues like anemia.

How to stop a nosebleed fast in a child?

If your child frequently gets nosebleeds, you can prevent them by following these steps:

  • Calm and comfort your child

Try to relax your child while remaining calm. He or she may worsen the bleeding if they begin to become anxious.

  • Sit straight and lean the body and head slightly forward

Your child should sit up straight and lean their body and head slightly forward. Keep your child from lying down so that he or she does not swallow blood. Your child might puke if they swallow blood.

  • Using mouth to breathe

Your child should use their mouth to breathe. By doing this, you will stop the blood from going down your child’s neck and stop them from ingesting blood.

  • Lightly squeeze the nostrils 

For five to ten minutes, have your child hold their nostrils closed with their thumb and index finger. The bleeding portion of the nose will be under pressure, which may stop the blood flow.

  • Use an ice bag for a cold compress

In order to further stop the bleeding, apply a cool ice pack compress to the bridge of the nose. Don’t stuff your child’s nose with tissues or gauze.

Take your child to the doctor if the bleeding from their nose doesn’t stop. In some circumstances, the physician may use heat to seal a blood vessel. This quick technique of stopping nasal bleeding is called cauterization.

Can I drink water after a nosebleed?

You shouldn’t have any issues drinking water during or after a nosebleed. Lack of enough water consumption throughout the day can cause the inner membrane of your nose to dry up, which can result in nosebleeds. Therefore, you should make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

During the time you get a nosebleed, some of the blood may drain into your stomach and down your throat, which may cause you to feel nauseous or have a terrible taste in the back of your throat. Therefore, it is often recommended to drink water to prevent the risk of nausea and vomiting.

Foods to avoid nosebleeds

Numerous foods are thought to be harmful and worsen the medical condition of nosebleeds. In addition to spices, alcohol should be avoided completely to protect your skin and avoid worse conditions of nosebleeds [5].

The remaining food items that increase nosebleeds (epistaxis) are:

  •   Chocolate
  •   Red wine
  •   Specific vegetables and fruits (such as garlic and ginger)
  •   Coffee
  •   Omega-3 fatty acids
  •   Salmon and fish cooked with oil


What stops nosebleeds fast?

Cauterization is a fast and convenient way to stop nasal bleeding. The doctor cauterizes the inside lining of the nose with an electric current or a chemical swab. This helps stop further bleeding by sealing the blood vessels and forming scar tissue [6].

How do you stop a nosebleed in 5 minutes?

You should sit completely straight and gently close your nostrils with your thumb and index finger for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Throughout this activity, the bleeding portion of the nose will be under pressure, which may stop the blood flow.

How does vinegar stop a nosebleed?

Apple cider vinegar is renowned for the quick closure of cracked blood vessels, thus, preventing excessive blood loss due to nosebleeds [7]. Take Apply a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball to stop a nosebleed. The bleeding will stop if you keep the cotton ball in your nose for 10 minutes.

What can you do to help stop nosebleeds?

In order to stop nosebleeds quickly, sit straight and push your head and body forward. Gently pinch the soft part of your nose for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Then, use a hot or cold compress to constrict blood vessels and stop nose bleeding.

Wrapping Up

The majority of the time, nosebleeds do not require immediate medical attention. They frequently result from irritation or direct damage, and they are manageable at home.

One of the best ways to stop nosebleeds is to keep your home’s air humidified, prevent picking your nose, and use nasal mists to keep your nasal passages moist.


  1. Better Health Channel, “Nosebleeds”, Department of Health, Victoria State of Government.
  2. National Library of Medicine, “Nosebleed”, MedlinePlus.
  3. James M. May and Fiona E. Harrison. “Role of Vitamin C in the Function of the Vascular Endothelium.”  Antioxid Redox Signal vol. 19,17 (2013): 2068-2083 
  4. Nabil Abdulghany Sarhan and Abdulsalam Mahmoud Algamal. “Relationship between epistaxis and hypertension: A cause and effect or coincidence?.”  J Saudi Heart Assoc vol. 27,2 (2015): 79-84
  5. National Library of Medicine. “Lifestyle and dietary influences on nosebleed severity in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.” Pubmed.gov, (2013).
  6. Ravi Kumar Raju Mudunuri and M.A.N. Murthy. “The Treatment of Spontaneous Epistaxis: Conservative vs Cautery.”   J Clin Diagn Res vol. 6,9 (2012): 1523-1524
  7. National Library of Medicine. “The Effect of External Apple Vinegar Application on Varicosity Symptoms, Pain, and Social Appearance Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, (2016).
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