How Many Calories in Whiskey?

Maintaining an optimum weight is always a good idea, especially during the holidays when we fall off the wagon by eating junk food and drinking alcoholic beverages. One method to do this is to understand the nutritional information about the foods we eat, especially alcoholic beverages like whiskey. Continue reading to learn more about the calorie count in whiskey.

The start of a new month has arrived, and it’s time to undo the indulgences of the holidays. While we overload ourselves over the holidays, there should be some ways to keep track of our caloric intake.

One method to do this is to understand the nutritional information about the foods we eat, especially alcoholic beverages like whiskey.

So, you must be wondering how many calories are in whiskey? On average, a single glass of whiskey contains about 105 calories. However, this is for 1½ ounces (44ml) of whiskey. Keep in mind that the calories will vary depending on how you drink it. 

Nutritional Values in Whiskey

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides the following nutritional information for one-shot (42g or 1.5 ounces) of whiskey. [1]

  • 97 calories
  • Sodium: 0.42mg 
  • Fat: 0g 
  • Carbohydrates: 0g 
  • Fiber: 0g 
  • Sodium: 0.42mg 
  • Protein : 0 g
  • Alcohol : 14 g


A single shot of whiskey has 97 calories, zero carbs, zero sugars, and zero fiber. Other types of whiskey have the same caloric and carbohydrate content.


Whiskey contains no fat.


Whiskey has no protein in it.


Whiskey has a total alcoholic content of 14 grams. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. As a result, assuming whiskey is consumed neat or on ice, all of the calories in whiskey come from alcohol.

Minerals and vitamins

While whiskey contains trace minerals, it does not contain significant amounts of macronutrients.

Calorie Count of Different Whiskey Servings

Calories in Whiskey (30ml) – 71 calories

Calories in Whiskey (60ml) – 142 calories

Calories in Whiskey Sour (per 100 grams) – 163 calories

Calories in a Whiskey Shot (per 42 grams) – 105 calories

Calories in Whiskey and Water (per 220 grams) – 130 calories

Calories in Whiskey and Diet Coke (1-ounce) – 200 calories

Calories in Whiskey and Ginger Ale (1.5-ounce) – 151 calories

How Does Whiskey Have So Few Calories?

Whiskey’s low-calorie count is due to the manufacturing method. The sugar, fat, and carbohydrates are all removed during the distillation process. The sugars do not completely vanish, but they are significantly reduced. As a result, the sugar content is so low that it is statistically insignificant.

Is Whiskey Beneficial to Your Health?

As previously said, there are various advantages to drinking whiskey in moderation, thus it is best to limit your intake to small amounts. Keeping that in mind, the following are some potential whiskey benefits for your health:

Reduces the risk of dementia

Dementia is a broad term that covers a variety of symptoms associated with cognitive declines, such as forgetfulness. According to a study, drinking whiskey in moderation can help reduce the incidence of dementia. [2]

Aids in the treatment of colds

Colds are unpleasant because they cause constant sneezing, blowing your nose, coughing, and the general pain that comes with them. If you’re having a cold and drink whiskey, your blood vessels will shortly expand. The expansion of blood arteries aids in the removal of mucus within your chest and sinuses.

Helps with Digestion

Whiskey is a well-known digestif, which is why most people have a glass of whiskey after dinner, right before bed. It aids digestion as a result of its alcohol content, which stimulates the formation of pepsin (an enzyme in the stomach that is responsible for the digestion of peptides).

Lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease

According to studies, moderate alcohol consumption may help to minimize the risk of heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases. [3]

Is whisky beneficial to weight loss?

Whiskey is not a good choice if you are attempting to reduce weight. Alcohol can lead to weight gain in several ways. To begin with, alcohol has a high-calorie content. Some mixed beverages have the same number of calories as a meal but none of the nutrients. Second, when you drink, you may make poor eating choices.

While you do not have to eliminate alcohol from your diet to lose weight, you may need to make some adjustments. You should limit the number of drinks you consume, as well as the kind of drinks you consume. You should also keep an eye on how your drinking habits affect your food habits. [6]

How Does Whiskey Help You Gain Weight?

Whiskey is better for people on a diet than other alcoholic beverages like wine and beer. When it comes to weight, whisky can promote both weight gain and weight loss.

The fundamental step for losing weight is burning more calories than you take in. Whiskey encourages weight growth by allowing empty calories to be consumed. Empty calories are calories that provide no nutritional content to your body.

In addition to providing empty calories, whiskey affects your appetite and increases your hunger. While consuming alcohol, you’re eating a lot more than you normally would. As a result, you consume more calories than you would ordinarily, resulting in obesity. [4]

It goes without saying that while you’re drunk, you don’t have time to prepare a nutritious meal with all of the necessary veggies and other nutritious items. You’ll find yourself ordering fast food and eating junk food, which all contribute to your weight gain.

Tips to Keep in Mind If Drinking Whiskey While on a Diet

When you want to drink whiskey while keeping track of your weight through diet or anabolic fasting, the best thing you can do is keep a tight eye on everything you eat and drink during the day. Consider the following suggestions for a low-calorie night out:

  • Drink Neat Or On The Rocks: Don’t add anything to the whiskey, even a splash of soda. Have it on the rocks or with a dash of water if you need to dilute the whiskey a little. Apart from that, this is the greatest and most traditional method to enjoy it.
  • Eat A Quality, Nutritious, Low-Calorie Dinner Before You Start Drinking: If you know you’ll be with friends for the night, make sure you eat quality, healthy, and low-calorie meals before you start drinking. Also, when enjoying drinks, make sure you snack on healthful meals.
  • Drink High-Quality Spirits: Avoid guzzling cheap whiskey shot after shot. It’s preferable to sip a glass of whiskey slowly over 45 minutes and alternate with a glass of water. Don’t slam your drinks; instead, count them.
  • Watch Out What You Eat: Before and after you drink whiskey, keep an eye on your caloric intake. Count how much you’ve already eaten. Subtract it from the total number of calories your body expended.


What are the different varieties of Whisky?

Scotch, Bourbon, Tennessee, and Rye are the four different varieties of Whisky. The differences between the four include a combination of materials used in the mix, how they are filtered/distilled, and where they are manufactured geographically.

Does whiskey make you gain weight?

Which whiskey you drink, how much you drink, how often you drink, and your particular body and lifestyle all play a role in whether or not you gain weight from alcohol. [5]

Usually, it ain’t the whisky’s alcohol content. Alcohol does not make you gain weight. The majority of alcohol is digested and detoxified. The sugars and mixers in whisky can cause problems.

What is the calorie count of a shot of whiskey?

In terms of calories, the amount in whiskey varies from one type to another.

An average shot of Malt whisky contains 97 calories, while a shot of Grain whisky contains 65 calories. Because blended whiskey is made up of diverse ratios, it’s difficult to determine how many calories it has.

Should I dilute the Whisky with water?

Adding water to whisky is a personal taste; it makes the whisky smoother and the nosing aroma more noticeable by lowering the alcohol level. A dash or even a few droplets of water may sometimes make a difference in the taste, smell, and appearance of your drink. 


Whiskey has several health benefits, including improving digestion, decreasing the risk of dementia, treating colds, and lowering the risk of different cardiovascular diseases. However, it’s crucial to remember that excessive drinking can be harmful to your health, so you should always drink in moderation.

The calories in whisky vary considerably from one brand to another, with some having as few as 96 calories per shot and others having as much as 147! To put it another way, choose your whisky carefully to avoid gaining that additional, undesired weight!

If you don’t want to gain weight, try to drink your whisky neat or on ice and avoid adding any potentially calorific mixers.  After a few shots of your favorite alcohol, the actual secret is to avoid eating too much unhealthy stuff!


  1. U.S. Department of Agriculture. “FoodData Central: Scotch”. U.S. Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Research Service
  2. National Library of Medicine. “Prospective study of alcohol consumption and risk of dementia in older adults”. National Center for Biotechnology Information
  3. Mariann R. Piano. “Alcohol’s Effects on the Cardiovascular System”. Alcohol Res vol. 38(2) (2017): 219-241. 
  4. Gregory Traversy. “Alcohol Consumption and Obesity: An Update”. Springer Open Choice vol. 4(1) (2015): 122-130.
  5. Better Health Channel. “Alcohol and Weight gain”. Better Health Channel | Victoria State Government
  6. National Library of Medicine. “Weight loss and alcohol”. Medline Plus
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