Little Known Facts About Healthiest Sourdough Bread

Among the several types of bread, sourdough bread is frequently recommended.It’s not only tastier than traditional bread, but it’s also more nutritious. Sourdough bread is also less likely to increase your blood sugar levels than regular bread, and it’s easier to digest for many people. Continue reading to learn more about the various reasons why sourdough bread is a good complement to your diet.

In general, bread does not have a good reputation for being healthy. Despite claims that it is fattening or high in carbohydrates, the right kind of bread may be a really healthy food.

After all, many breads have a basic ingredient list that starts with whole grains, and eating more whole grains has been linked to a lower body mass index, a lower risk of heart disease, cancer etc. 

When it comes to sticking to a diet, sourdough bread is one of the most popular options. Do you want to know what a sourdough bread’s nutritional value is? Not only will eating sourdough bread help you absorb the bread’s natural probiotics, but it will also provide you with additional fibre, protein, and minerals.

What exactly is sourdough bread?

Sourdough bread is made with flour that contains naturally occurring yeast and bacteria. There are three ingredients in traditional sourdough recipes: flour, water, and salt. There is no yeast, milk, oils, or sugars in this bread. When it comes to bread, it’s about as natural as it gets.

Nutritional Values of Sourdough Bread

The nutritional composition of sourdough is comparable to that of most other breads, and it is influenced by the type of flour used to make it, such as whether it is made from whole grains or processed grains.

One medium slice of sourdough bread produced with white flour, weighing about 2 ounces (59 g), contains on average: [1]

  • 188 calories
  • 37 grams of carbohydrates
  • 8 grams of protein
  • 1 gram of fat

Is sourdough bread good for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight by eating sourdough bread? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Of course, eating this type of bread can benefit your digestive health, but if it does not contain wholemeal flours like rye or oats, the sugar and fat content will be the same as any other commercially produced bread.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a miraculous food that will assist you in losing weight. The secret to losing weight while eating bread is to eat wholemeal flours, limit how much you eat per day, and mix it with exercise and a low-saturated-fat diet.

So, if you’re attempting to lose weight, you can consume sourdough bread (in moderation) to aid digestion, but try to choose wholemeal or rye sourdough bread and always pair it with a healthy diet and exercise.

Is sourdough bread healthier than whole wheat

Sourdough bread is a better option than ordinary whole wheat bread. Although it contains similar nutrients than other varieties of bread, it is more digestible and nutritious due to reduced content of phytate levels.

Prebiotics also keep your gut bacteria happy, which means your blood sugar levels are less likely to increase. Aside from the nutritious benefits, you may enjoy the health benefits of home baking as well as the unique sourdough flavour.

How to make sourdough bread

Fresh sourdough bread can be made at home with just three ingredients: water, flour, and salt.

Here’s a quick rundown of the necessary steps you’ll need to take for preparation of sourdough bread:

  1. Begin with a sourdough starter a few days beforehand. Many simple and basic cooking recipes can be found over the internet. It takes less than 5 minutes to make an initial starter.
  2. Feed your starter every day for a few days and watch it grow. You’ll use a portion of this starter to create the bread and keep the rest for later.
  3. On the day you plan to bake your bread, combine a portion of your starter with flour and water and set aside for a few hours to rest. After that, sprinkle it with salt.
  4. Fold the dough several times before storing it for 10–30 minutes. Repeat the folding and resting procedures as necessary until the dough is smooth and stretchy.
  5. Let the dough rise at room temperature until it has grown to roughly 1.5 times its original volume.
  6. Form your bread loaf into a loaf and bake it in the oven.
  7. Allow 2–3 hours for the bread to cool on a rack before slicing.

Keep in mind that it will take 3–5 days to make your sourdough starter. Do not rush this step because the quality of your starter will determine the flavour and rise of your dough.

Also, only a portion of the starter will be used to produce the bread. You can keep the remaining in the fridge for later use if you keep it refrigerated and feed it for at least once a week.

How to make a sourdough bread starter

Making a sourdough bread starter takes time and effort. To deliver the best results, it requires nurturing, feeding, and a lot of attention.

To begin, combine flour and water to make a starter and then let nature take its course. Feed the starter with more flour over the next 7 to 10 days and allow the mixture to ferment.

The starter is based on the reproduction of naturally occurring yeasts and bacteria. The bubbling effect which is caused within a fermented starter that causes the dough to rise is produced by these microorganisms.

Is sourdough bread healthy for diabetics

For some people with diabetes, skipping bread altogether makes it easier to control their diet. Others, on the other hand, still want to eat bread and are unsure which types are the best.

Know that you can eat bread if you have diabetes. Whole grain breads, including whole wheat or rye, are a healthier alternative. When compared to refined, processed options like white bread, these breads are high in vitamins, minerals, fibre, and protein. [2]

Whole grain bread and other sprouted grains might be difficult to get used to for some people. If that’s the case, sourdough bread is a good option.

Traditional sourdough bread is created by slowly fermenting water and flour to produce beneficial bacteria that aid in the rise of the dough. The advantages of fermented foods has been highlighted in various researches. [3]

Consumption of these meals increases the amount of good bacteria in the stomach. It may also boost your immune system while lowering your chances of allergies and inflammation.

‘Is sourdough bread good for you’, we asked a nutritionist

Bread hasn’t been considered as the best food source in recent years, but sourdough provides a lot of nutritional benefits. 

We listed some of the following advantages of sourdough bread, with the help of a nutritionist:

Fermented bread is beneficial to one’s digestive health.

One of the key reasons you can call sourdough bread healthy is that it has been fermented. When the sourdough starter components are mixed and left to sit, a beneficial bacteria breaks down and produces lactic acid, which helps your intestines absorb the bread’s many nutrients.

It’s high in minerals that are necessary.

Sourdough is high in thiamine and niacin, two vitamins that help to speed up your metabolism. It’s high in iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium, all of which are beneficial to bone, muscle, and nerve health.

Is white sourdough bread healthy?

Sourdough bread is high in vitamins and nutrients, making it extremely useful for your overall health. Iron, manganese, calcium, Vitamin B1,  Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, zinc, potassium, iron, manganese, and vitamin E are all found in moderate concentrations in sourdough bread. Sourdough bread, in comparison to other breads, retains many of the natural nutrients that are processed out of other types of bread.

What is the healthiest bread?

The most frequent breads are white, brown, multi-grain, sourdough, and/or sprouted breads. It’s difficult to make a choice because most breads are high in carbohydrates, which might lead to fat storage. It’s critical to buy a loaf of bread that’s high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

Despite the fact that whole wheat has been shown to have more health advantages due to its higher fibre and nutrient contents, sourdough bread has a lower Glycemic Index, better digestion, and a stronger nutritional profile.

As a result, when it comes to bread, sourdough bread is always the finest option.


What brand of sourdough bread is the healthiest?

DeFazio and Malkani have a few healthy bread brands.  Food for Life Ezekiel Sprouted Whole Grain Breads is one of them. Dave’s Killer Breads, Trader Joe’s Whole Wheat Sourdough, Alvarado Street Bakery, Angelic Bakehouse, Vermont Bread Company, and Franz Bakery are among the top brands that offer whole grain breads.

Is store-bought sourdough bread healthy?

Many store-bought sourdough loaves contain only a little amount of sourdough starter and many extra seasonings to give the bread a sourdough flavor, while the rising action is performed with commercial yeast. As a result, store-bought breads have a sour taste while providing no nutritious value.

Why is sourdough the healthiest bread?

Sourdough bread has more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than other types of bread. It also has a lower phytate content, which allows your body to absorb the nutrients it provides more easily than normal bread.

Can I lose weight eating sourdough bread?

Because of the fermentation process used to make sourdough bread, it may have health benefits. Sourdough bread is much easier to digest because of the good bacteria and low phytate levels, and thus, it may also help in weight loss.

Which sourdough is best for weight loss?

Sourdough bread prepared with whole grains is healthier than sourdough bread made with white flour. It’s the healthiest bread for weight loss, much like other whole-grain breads.

Is it OK to eat sourdough bread every day?

The vitamins and nutrients content in sourdough bread is high, making it extremely beneficial for your overall health. Sourdough bread, in comparison to other breads, retains many of the natural nutrients that are processed out of other types of bread. However, avoid eating any kind of bread every day. Sourdough bread can be eaten in moderation. 

Is it easy to digest sourdough bread?

Sourdough bread is thought to be a gentler alternative to bread, less likely to cause food intolerances and digestive issues.

This is due to the fact that sourdough bread is more digestible than the average commercial loaf of bread made with standard baker’s yeast. Sourdough bread, in fact, causes less bloating.

Is it true that sourdough bread promotes healthy aging?

Whole grains and bread, such as sourdough bread, are essential components of the Mediterranean diet. Sourdough bread has been suggested as an important food for promoting healthy aging. Consumption of whole-wheat sourdough bread on a regular basis reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer in older adults in the Southern Mediterranean.


Sourdough bread is an excellent substitute for regular bread. It contains more nutrients, is less prone to cause blood sugar spikes, and is generally easier to digest.

Just keep in mind that sourdough fermentation does not totally break down gluten. If you have a gluten intolerance, you should avoid sourdough bread made from wheat, barley, or rye, as they all contain gluten.

Sourdough bread, according to many people, has a greater aroma, flavour, and texture than bread baked with baker’s yeast. All things considered; sourdough bread is a must-try.


  1. U.S. Department of Agriculture. “FoodData Central:Bread, french or vienna, toasted (includes sourdough)”. U.S. Department of Agriculture | Agricultural Research Service
  2. U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Greater whole-grain intake is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and weight gain”. National Center for Biotechnology Information
  3. U.S. National Library of Medicine. “Fermented Foods as a Dietary Source of Live Organisms”. National Center for Biotechnology Information
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