What Vitamins Are Good For Brain Health?

Your brain is the biggest capital of your life. So the insurance for it will be good brain health. Let us read about the vitamins that are good for optimum brain health.

Brain health is a new and developing notion that incorporates neuronal development, plasticity, functioning, and healing during the course of a person’s life. Optimal mental health is a state in which each person can recognize their own strengths and enhance their cognitive, emotional, psychological, and behavioral functioning in order to deal with life’s challenges.

Memory loss is thought to be slowed or prevented by certain vitamins and fatty acids. Vitamins like vitamin B12, ayurvedic supplements like Panax ginseng, and omega-3 fatty acids are among the potential remedies and are great for good brain health. But can a supplement actually help your cognitive health?

The Brain and Nutrition

Consider that for a moment. Your mind is constantly “on.” It monitors your thoughts and actions, your breathing and heartbeat, and your senses – it works hard 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even when you’re sleeping. This implies that your brain demands a steady flow of energy.

That energy is the “fuel” that comes from the diet you choose, and what’s in that fuel makes all the difference. Simply said, your diet has a direct impact on your brain’s structure, as well as your mood.

Your brain, like a high-end car, performs best when it is fed only premium gasoline. The brain is nourished and protected by eating high-quality meals that are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Unfortunately, just like an expensive car, consuming anything other than top gasoline might harm your brain. When compounds from “low-premium” fuels (such as those found in processed or refined foods) reach the brain, the brain has limited ability to eliminate them. Refined sugar-rich diets, for example, are detrimental to the brain. They not only wreak havoc on your body’s insulin control but also cause inflammation and oxidative damage.

Implications are to be expected if your brain is deprived of proper nutrients, or if free radicals or destructive inflammatory cells circulate within the brain’s contained space, further contributing to brain tissue injury. It’s important to note that the medical community did not fully accept the link between mood and diet for many years.

Today, the expanding discipline of nutritional psychiatry is discovering that there are several repercussions and correlations between not just what you eat, how you feel, and how you eventually behave, but also the kinds of vitamins and supplements you take.

What are the essential vitamins for the brain?

Your brain works just like a computer, so be sure you are the only one programming it! It’s just as essential to keep your intellect fit as it is to keep your body fit, especially as you get older. Getting enough essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats in a well-balanced diet has a crucial role in increasing cognitive performance, as per multiple studies.

According to scientific researchers and specialists, the best vitamins for adults for optimal brain health are as follows:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is frequently thought of as a go-to natural treatment for cold. It also strengthens the immune system and creates collagen that aids in wound healing. Vitamin C, like vitamin E, supports brain function by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Multiple research on the effect of vitamin C (ascorbate) on the brain indicated that ascorbate helps protect the brain against oxidative stress, according to a review published in Free Radical Biological Medicine. The researchers of the review cited a study in which “cognitively intact” subjects with higher vitamin C levels in their blood had greater cognitive capacity [1].

You can get vitamin C from

  • Citrus fruits
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberry
  • Bell peppers, etc.

Vitamin E

When free radicals accumulate in bodily cells, they disrupt the balance of antioxidants, resulting in oxidative stress. According to a National Library of Medicine publication, oxidative stress can harm cell membranes, lipids, proteins, DNA, and other components [2].

The brain is especially vulnerable to oxidative stress as we age, which can affect central nervous system activities. It has been related to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and Parkinson’s disease in studies [3].

Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant, helping to preserve cells and prevent oxidative stress, according to new research published in Nutrients. Multiple research has shown that vitamin E improves cognitive functioning, particularly memory skills, according to the published study [4].

Vitamin E also strengthens the immune system and aids in the prevention of blood clots. You can get vitamin E from

  • Plant oils
  • Nuts and seeds

B-complex vitamins

Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 (folate), and B12 help in a range of important physiological functions. According to research, vitamin B1 (thiamin) aids in the conversion of nutrients into energy and is required for cell growth, development, and function [5].

Vitamin B is one of the most important nutritional groups for the brain on its own. In practically all of its forms – B1, B2, B3, B6 – it aids in the transit of neurotransmitters and relieves symptoms of depression and stress, as well as slows down cognitive instability that occurs with age. 

Vegans may require vitamin B supplementation in some instances, even though vitamin B is abundant in many diets [6]. You can get vitamin B from

  • Poultry
  • Oats
  • Bananas
  • Peanuts
  • Some fish, etc.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is necessary not just for bone health but also for brain function. The vitamin, according to doctors and experts, comprises hormonelike biochemicals that interact with brain receptors and aid in the maintenance of critical activities that pass through the brain [7]

It also activates and deactivates enzymes that aid nerve growth and inflammation reduction. Vitamin D’s holistic goodness can assist your brain stay healthy and lower your risk of acquiring mental conditions [8].

The food sources of vitamin D are 

  • Oily fish (salmon, mackerel)
  • Liver 
  • Red meat
  • Egg yolk
  • Mushrooms 

What are the best vitamins for brain fog?

While not a medical illness in and of itself, “brain fog” refers to a set of symptoms that include memory loss, lack of concentration, difficulty processing information, weariness, and jumbled thoughts [9].

It typically affects individuals with fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, etc, among other health problems [10].

Brain fog symptoms can be affected by a multitude of circumstances, including vitamin deficiencies or shortages. These are more likely in those who struggle with medical disorders that are linked to brain fog [11].

We’ll go through a few supplements that have been proven to aid with brain fog:

Vitamin B

Cognitive issues, impaired concentration, and other symptoms of brain fog have been linked to low or insufficient levels of specific B vitamins, according to research [12]. Supplements may assist individuals with low B vitamin levels to manage their symptoms.

In one trial of 202 adults with cognitive impairment and low or insufficient B12 levels, supplementation enhanced cognition in 84% of participants and improved memory and attention ratings in 78% of participants [13].

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well-known for its role in immunological wellness, but it also helps with a range of other bodily functions, including mental wellbeing.

A study of 80 healthy adults found that those with adequate vitamin C levels in their blood did considerably better in memory, concentration, response time, and focus tests than those with low vitamin C levels [14].

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very much a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for immune functions, brain health, and other bodily functions. Vitamin D deficiency can have a detrimental influence on brain health and contribute to the symptoms of brain fog. Brain fog symptoms such as poor attention and memory issues are common in those who have depression or depressive symptoms.

Vitamin D supplements, according to research, can help boost vitamin D levels and alleviate depression symptoms like brain fog [15].

What are the best natural supplements for brain health?

“Enhances learning.” “Improves concentration.” “These are just a few of the claims you could find on the pills that 25% of the population over 50 take to maintain their brains healthy. Do these products actually work? 

The FDA doesn’t require supplement companies to prove their supplements are helpful as long as they don’t make any claims regarding specific ailments, so it’s often unclear.

We will now take a look at the top 5 popular natural supplements that can improve your mental and cognitive health.


Caffeine is a natural booster that can be found in different foods, including tea, coffee, and dark chocolate. Although it is feasible to take it as a supplement, there is no need when these sources are available.

It works by activating the brain and central nervous system, resulting in a more alert and less weary state [16]. Caffeine, in fact, has been demonstrated in studies to boost energy levels and improve memory, response time, and overall brain function.

Fish oil

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), two forms of omega-3 fatty acids, are abundant in fish oil supplements. Many beneficial properties have been connected to these fatty acids, including better cognitive health [17].

DHA is essential for maintaining your brain’s structure and function. In fact, it makes up around a quarter of the total fat in your brain cells and 90% of the omega-3 fat. The anti-inflammatory actions of the other omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil, EPA, may protect the brain from damage and aging.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is a supplement made from the herb Rhodiola Rosea, which is commonly used in Chinese medicine to enhance good health and brain function.

It is thought to aid mental processing by alleviating weariness. People who use Rhodiola Rosea have been proven to experience less fatigue and improved cognitive function.

However, the outcomes have proven inconclusive. According to a recent evaluation by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), additional research is needed before scientists can determine whether Rhodiola Rosea can help people feel less tired and improve their brain function.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a supplement made from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree. It’s a very versatile product that many people use to improve their mental energy, and it can be found in stores and online. It is considered to boost cognitive functions such as focus and memory by increasing blood flow to the brain.

Despite the fact that Ginkgo Biloba is widely used, the outcomes of studies looking into its effects have been conflicting. Ginkgo Biloba supplements have been shown in several studies to help decrease age-related deterioration in brain function [18].


Turmeric is well-known for its therapeutic properties. While a pinch of turmeric in your food is regarded to be beneficial for overall health and immunity, many people are unaware that turmeric has been found to be effective in treating symptoms of ADHD, depression, and anxiety. 

Turmeric contains a bioactive substance that can improve the function of your DHA (a vital healthy brain lipid) and aid in neuroprotection. The antioxidants in root turmeric may also aid in the reduction of oxidative stress.


What is the best vitamin for the brain?

Focus on the three B’s when it comes to brain health: vitamins B6, B12, and B9 (folate). These three forms of B vitamins are essential for the brain’s regular functioning, and a deficiency of any can lead to memory loss and other forms of cognitive impairment.

What is the best supplement for brain health and memory?

Most of these supplements mentioned above have shown to be effective in boosting and safeguarding brain health. However, many brain-boosting supplements are only beneficial in individuals who have a mental illness or are lacking in the vitamin being supplemented.

How can I boost my brain health?

5 ways to maintain your brain in good health:

  • Exercise on a regular basis. Our first piece of advice to everyone is to continue exercising. Exercise can calm your mind and energize you mentally throughout the day.
  • Make sure you get enough rest. Your brain’s health is influenced by how well you sleep.
  • Consume a Mediterranean-style diet that is more focused on whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. Your nutrition has a significant impact on your mental health.
  • Keep your mind engaged in different hobbies.
  • Maintain a social life. Hang out with friends and family, try enhancing your inner-self completely.

What vitamin is good for brain fog?

Maintaining proper vitamin C levels through supplementation may assist to preserve brain health and alleviate symptoms of brain fog. It aids in the stability of brain function and also increases general energy levels.

Wrapping up

By becoming more aware of foods and lifestyle behaviors such as yoga that has can improve your brain abilities, you can enhance your health.

Overall, scientists believe that incorporating vitamin B, C, D, and E into a well-balanced diet might help you maintain good brain function as you get older. Before making any dietary modifications or beginning any dietary supplements, see your doctor for medical advice.


  1. Harrison, Fiona E, and James M May. “Vitamin C function in the brain: the vital role of the ascorbate transporter SVCT2.” Free radical biology & medicine vol. 46,6 (2009): 719-30. 
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  4. La Fata, Giorgio et al. “Effects of vitamin E on cognitive performance during aging and in Alzheimer’s disease.” Nutrients, (2014), vol. 6,12 5453-72.
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  12. Hughes, Catherine F et al. “B-Vitamin Intake and Biomarker Status in Relation to Cognitive Decline in Healthy Older Adults in a 4-Year Follow-Up Study.” Nutrients, (2017), vol. 9,1 53. 
  13. Jatoi, Shazia et al. “Low Vitamin B12 Levels: An Underestimated Cause Of Minimal Cognitive Impairment And Dementia.” Cureus, (2020), vol. 12,2 e6976.
  14. Travica, Nikolaj et al. “Plasma Vitamin C Concentrations and Cognitive Function: A Cross-Sectional Study.” Frontiers in aging neuroscience, (2019), vol. 11 72.
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  18. Singh, Sandeep Kumar et al. “Neuroprotective and Antioxidant Effect of Ginkgo biloba Extract Against AD and Other Neurological Disorders.” Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics vol. 16,3 (2019): 666-674.
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