Top 5 Benefits of Moringa Oil and Powder for Your Hair

“Tanned skin, salty hair, flip flops, and ocean air”! Sounds great, right? If you desire this beautiful view of life, read up about the Moringa benefits for hair to unveil the secrets to good hair care on our blog!

Do you have a bad hair day? It’s happened to all of us! Uncontrollable flyaways, frizz, and fuzzy ends can appear more often than we’d like on occasion. But why is that?

Anyone who has ever had a good hair day understands the power it holds. Of course, it is related to confidence. Find the right solution to your problem and great hair will be yours in no time!

Here, we’re talking about some of the science-backed studies, which should persuade you that hair care is more than just vanity, and we’ve got a few ideas to enjoy moringa benefits for hair.

Top 5 Benefits of Moringa Oil and Powder for Your Hair

What is Moringa?

Moringa is known as Moringa oleifera and is a multi-purpose herbal plant that is used as a food product as well as a pharmaceutical alternative around the globe. Researchers have recognized it as a plant that offers various health benefits, including nutritional and therapeutic [1].

Moringa oleifera includes essential amino acids, carotenoids in the leaves, and nutritional components, indicating that it could be used as a nutritional supplement or dietary component.

According to Ayurveda, a Hindu medical science, most of our major health problems can be treated by utilizing various components found in nature. 

Some plants and trees can not only assist with these issues, but they can also offer other benefits. Moringa is one of many trees with therapeutic properties that can help boost the body’s immune system and keep diseases at bay. 

It is a tree that can be found worldwide but is primarily found in India and Africa. Moringa is also high in other minerals like calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper, giving it a wide range of health advantages [2].

Is Moringa good for hair?

Now the question here is, how good is moringa for your hair? This herb grows quickly and is classified as a fast-growing plant since it can reach a height of three meters in ten months. 

As a result, it’s an excellent herb to plant in your garden. Sweet-smelling flowers, verdant foliage, and fruits adorn the trees. The dark fruit is packed with oily seeds.

The Moringa tree’s little green leaves contain the majority of the tree’s nutrition. Humans have traditionally consumed all portions of the Moringa tree because they are edible [3].

Moringa is high in nutrients like Vitamins A, B, C, and E, iron, zinc, calcium, and essential amino acids, all of which are beneficial to hair. Chlorophyll, complete amino acids, and antioxidants are all present in this herb, and they all help to nourish your hair [1].

Top 5 Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Hair :

Let’s look at the moringa benefits for hair growth. It can be used as an oil or in the form of a powder.

1. Vitamins in Moringa for hair growth:

Nutrition is extremely important for healthy hair. Moringa is high in vitamins A and B, both of which are known to nourish and encourage new hair growth [4].

Moringa is rich in vitamin A, which helps to promote hair growth. Vitamin A is required for the development of healthy cells and tissues and the prevention of hair loss.

Vitamin A deficiency is characterized by thickening of the scalp, dry hair, and dandruff. Moringa is a win-win situation for hair nourishment and dandruff treatment.

Vitamin A also stimulates the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Sebum helps to keep your locks healthy by moisturizing the scalp [5].

Vitamin B is necessary to form red blood cells that transport oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. Hair follicles grow strong and healthy with proper blood circulation in the scalp.

Vitamin B deficiency can be a leading cause of hair loss [6].

2. Zinc in Moringa promotes healthy hair follicles:

Zinc, found in the Moringa plant, promotes new hair growth. Zinc and vitamins both protect the hair from drying and clogging of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum.

Zinc deficiency has been related to poor hair growth and perhaps even hair loss [7].

Zinc is an essential nutrient for healthy hair follicles, which are the roots of the hair strands on your scalp. Zinc promotes hair growth by assisting damaged hair follicles and helping them recover faster. 

It aids in the correct functioning of the oil glands surrounding the follicles. Moringa is also rich in iron and helps with the formation of RBCs.

3. Omega 3 in Moringa promotes nourishment to the scalp:

Unsaturated fats, such as omega 3 fatty acids, are also crucial in maintaining healthy hair. When most people think of Omega 3 fatty acids, they think of salmon. 

However, it is important to know that Moringa is an excellent plant-based source of this fatty acid!

Omega 3 fatty acids aid to thicken hair strands by nourishing them with healthy fats. Moringa leaves are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids [8].

Moringa oleifera seeds are a prospective resource for food and non-food uses due to their high monounsaturated/saturated fatty acid (MUFA/SFA) ratio, sterols, and tocopherols, and proteins rich in sulfated amino acids [3].

These fatty acids also improve blood circulation, soothe and hydrate the scalp, and help avoid dryness and dandruff. The fatty acids also stimulate the synthesis of scalp oils, which naturally coat hair strands, transforming dry hair back to life.

4. Essential amino acids in Moringa nourish hair growth:

Moringa contains a high concentration of amino acids (arginine, cysteine, lysine, and methionine), the building blocks of all our body cells [9].

The amino acid cysteine is the most important for hair development. Cysteine is a powerful antioxidant that shields the hair from sun damage and other damaging rays. 

It also gives Sulphur to the hair cells, which increases texture and strength. A portion of Moringa every morning can provide you with all you require.

5. The anti-fungal property of Moringa:

Moringa comprises pterygospermin, which serves as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent, aiding in the prevention of dandruff, itchy scalp, psoriasis, eczema, and bacterial blisters.

There is not much evidence available on the anti-fungal properties of Moringa. Researchers are currently working on discovering new properties of this medicinal herb.

Also Read: Top 9 Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair

Moringa Leaves Side effects:

Anyone thinking about using Moringa must speak to a doctor first.

Moringa is not suggested for pregnant women since it may have anti-fertility properties. There have only been a few documented side effects.

People should carefully read the label and adhere to the dosing guidelines.

Moringa Oil v/s Moringa Powder:

There are two forms in which you can use moringa, i.e., Moringa oil and Moringa powder. Both the products are readily available in the market. Read on to find out the benefits of both the products:

Let’s take a look at the benefits of moringa oil for your hair.


  • Moringa oil not only makes your hair look shinier but also strengthens it. Moringa oil’s rich components, such as zinc (which is vital for keeping healthy hair), assist in promoting keratin production, which strengthens hair and prevents breakage. 
  • Furthermore, the proteins in moringa oil shield the hair from potentially harmful factors like heat.
  • Moringa oil also has a high concentration of fatty acids, such as behenic acid, which can increase the luster and softness of your hair.
  • Because of its high nutrient content, moringa oil provides a seemingly endless list of hair advantages.
  • It lasts a long time and doesn’t get rancid.

Let’s take a look at the moringa powder benefits for hair. 


  • Moringa leaf powder is edible, delightful, and healthy.
  •  It is also available in capsule form, which can be used as a health supplement by individuals who prefer not to add it to their food.
  • It’s high in protein and minerals, including micronutrients like zinc and calcium. Hence, it proves that moringa leaf powder benefits hair growth.
  • Moringa powder is generally well accepted and has a low risk of complications [10].
  • When stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark environment, it can be stored for 12 days without quality changes and 1-2 years without spoilage.

Also Read: What is Mesotherapy For Hair Loss?

How to Use Moringa Oil and Powder?

We’ve compiled a list of methods to utilize moringa oil and moringa powder benefits for skin and hair care routines. 

1. Hair mask :

You’ve probably heard of or used a face mask. A hair mask, like a face mask, serves to nourish and hydrate your scalp while also improving the condition and quality of your hair. 

You can mix the Moringa powder with lukewarm water and make a paste. Apply this paste as a hair mask and wait for the moringa leaf powder benefits to work their magic! Hair masks are also available at beauty supply stores, drugstores, and online.

2. Hair oil:

Say goodbye to dandruff and dry skin on your scalp. Moringa oil benefits the scalp by improving the quality of hair. 

Wet your hair, then dip your fingertips into the warm oil and massage your scalp from the roots to the ends. Unveil the wonders of moringa oil for hair growth.

3. Add to food:

Supplementing your diet with Moringa powder encourages hair development from the inside out. It will nourish your hair follicles from within; you can sprinkle it on salads or add it to soups or use it in a variety of smoothie and juice recipes. 

The best part is that you can also enjoy it for your tea! Hope all the tea lovers are reading this!

Related Article: Top 7 Benefits of Sesame oil for Hair

Wrapping Up:

As we discussed the moringa benefits for hair, it is also important to consider your physician before using the products. Based on your medical condition, it may or may not suit you. Therefore, considering and grabbing advice is a wise decision.

Moringa, like all supplements, is not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA); therefore, there may be issues regarding purity or quality.

It’s critical to know whether the producers’ claims are true, if the product is safe to use, and what potential adverse effects there might be.

Though there are abundant new findings to back up the benefits mentioned above, most of these studies are still in the early stages of development. The tests were conducted on animals rather than humans. So there is still much more work to be done.

References :

  1. Abdull Razis, Ahmad Faizal et al. “Health benefits of Moringa oleifera.” Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP vol. 15,20 (2014): 8571-6.
  2. Glover-Amengor, Mary et al. “Micronutrient composition and acceptability of Moringa oleifera leaf-fortified dishes by children in Ada-East district, Ghana.” Food science & nutrition vol. 5,2 317-323. (2016)
  3. Leone, Alessandro et al. “Moringa oleifera Seeds and Oil: Characteristics and Uses for Human Health.” International journal of molecular sciences vol. 17,12 2141. (2016)
  4. Almohanna, Hind M et al. “The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review.” Dermatology and therapy vol. 9,1 (2019): 51-70
  5. Nadeem, Muhammad, and Muhammad Imran. “Promising features of Moringa oleifera oil: recent updates and perspectives.” Lipids in health and disease vol. 15,1 212. (2016)
  6. Zempleni, Janos et al. “Biotin and biotinidase deficiency.” Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism vol. 3,6 (2008): 715-724. 
  7. Kil, Min Seong et al. “Analysis of serum zinc and copper concentrations in hair loss.” Annals of dermatology vol. 25,4 (2013): 405-9.
  8. Dhakad, Ashok K et al. “Biological, nutritional, and therapeutic significance of Moringa oleifera Lam.” Phytotherapy research : PTR vol. 33,11 (2019): 2870-2903.
  9. Aderinola, Taiwo Ayodele et al. “Amino acid composition and antioxidant properties of Moringa oleifera seed protein isolate and enzymatic hydrolysates.” Heliyon vol. 4,10 e00877. (2018)
  10. Stohs, Sidney J, and Michael J Hartman. “Review of the Safety and Efficacy of Moringa oleifera.” Phytotherapy research: PTR vol. 29,6 (2015): 796-804.
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