Meditation Colors And Their Meanings
Seeing colors and lights are very common during meditation. Wondering what each color means? So are we! Read on to find out more.
Meditation provides you with calmness, physical and mental relaxation, improves your psychological balance as well as helps with certain illnesses. Since a rise in the cases of MIBs (mind-fulness based interventions) like MBSRs (mindfulness-based stress reduction), meditation is being prescribed and highly recommended by doctors and medical professionals as a treatment for various psychological as well as physiological ailments. [1] A report based on the data collected in the 2017 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) states that an increasing population is taking up meditation into their daily lives. [2] During meditation, various kinds of lights tend to manifest depending on your concentration.
Colors generally appear to those who have complete focus over their thoughts and concentration, as well as control over their mind, body and soul. You might spot the different colors during meditation based on your mood, state of mind or even achieve certain colors as a guiding light in your path of life. Similar phenomena are well documented in traditional Buddhist texts but are virtually undocumented in the scientific literature on meditation. Within Buddhist traditions, these phenomena are attributed to a range of interpretations. [3] Apart from guiding colors, there are 10 Health Benefits of Daily Yoga assured when practised regularly.
Seeing Colors During Meditation
At first, seeing colors during meditation can be very exciting yet enticing. This new experience might be something different from your otherwise normal session. But this feeling could leave you overwhelmed and confused as to what exactly these colors mean. If you are a beginner, read about chakras that can be stimulated during your practice of meditation. Although seeing colors during meditation is a common experience for many people there is a variety of meanings when it comes to the symbolism of these colors that you see.
These colors that you see during meditation can be a guiding light for you. It could be a path to healing, spiritual enlightenment, personal growth, as well as trigger certain psychological understandings within. These colors are a representation of ancient wisdom. Misinterpreting these colors might get you into jeopardy.
Hence it is very important to decode the colors perfectly. Here are the meditation colors and their meanings:
If you see a white light during meditation, this is your crown chakra. The crown chakra is located at the top, on your head. This white crown chakra is a connection to your source of energy and is an association with your intuitions. If this chakra is blocked, it can cause various disorders like anxiety, dissociations as well as headaches.
The color purple is associated with your third eye. The third eye is found to be located right in the center, between your two eyebrows. The third eye holds a significant spot in many cultures and is assumed to have immense clairvoyant (having supernatural ability to perceive future events) powers. The third eye, signified by the color purple, helps you gain wisdom and allows you to view the bigger picture that lies ahead in time for you.
The color blue is associated with your throat chakra. This chakra is observed to be blocked if you do not indulge in speaking the truth often. The color blue signifies your ability to communicate and express yourself in front of others.
Being associated with the heart chakra, this color often tends to take people by surprise. This chakra is associated with purity, compassion, forgiveness as well as inner peace. Although if you have a lot of pain and trauma within, this chakra might be blocked in you. But if your heart is opened up towards others, to give and receive love, energy will flow through you.
The color yellow is highly connected with the chakra located on your navel. When you are in a completely balanced state, this chakra will make you feel alive and confident. This chakra is related to your inner potential and the power within.
Orange is the color associated with the pelvic or the sacral. This chakra is known to influence your reproductive and sexual organs. This chakra is connected with your sexual and creative energy.
If you see the color red, that signifies the chakra at your tailbone. The tailbone is located at the base of your back. This chakra is the root chakra. This chakra implies keeping us grounded, humble, and down to earth.
It connects us to Mother Earth, the reality as well as our life as a whole. Blocking this chakra might cause you to often have problems dealing with money, career, food, etc. Also, if you face trouble within the general sense of belonging, that’s because your root chakra is blocked. Make sure to always find happiness in the little things and to be humble towards life as well as yourself!
Seeing black color while meditating signifies a secretive nature. This means that there are many things hidden and bottled up within you. Although the color black offers protection against emotional stress from the outside that could do potential damage to you. This color tends to absorb all the other colors and produce a complete absence of light.
It creates a barrier between the external and internal world of the meditator, implying independence, self-control, trust, worthiness and impeccable willpower.
The color gold is associated with wealth, success and high social status. Seeing this color during meditation could be associated with an abundance of prosperity and prestige. It signifies high value and elegance as well. As this color is highly connected to the energy of the sun and the masculine nature, it portrays optimism and positive attitudes within you. Sharing wealth and wisdom denotes generosity, confidence and compassion.
Rainbow colors
Even though this is a rare occurrence, it might be an indication to push yourself towards a huge change. Rainbow color signifies new beginnings and unexpected turns for you if you are undergoing a life crisis at the moment. If you see this color during meditation, it’s time for you to take a new life path. This is a spiritual omen for hope and encouragement, often seen by those who need it the most. You should let go of the pessimistic experiences from your past and accept yourself and the changes that lie ahead.
Days And Their Spiritual colors
According to many prominent Asian cultures like Buddhism and Hinduism, a color is associated with a day of the week. This was believed to be one of the healing practices within the ancient medicine systems. Ancient cultures believed that each color is connected to a planet or a sacred deity. Hence they attached these colors to days to keep themselves protected and blessed.
The days and their spiritual colors are as follows:
Sunday – Red
According to ancient Hindu mythology, wearing the color red on Sundays is meant to be auspicious. Some prefer to fast on Sundays, eating just a single meal before sunset. Others offer red flowers to The Sun God Surya.
Monday – Yellow
As believed by the Hindu ethos, the healing color for Monday is Yellow. Although, the ones who tend to fast on Mondays, prefer wearing white. The deity associated with this day is Lord Shiva, hence people offer him white flowers on this day of the week. Since Monday is associated with the moon, colors like blue, silver or even light gray could be linked to this day.
Tuesday – Pink
The color linked to Tuesday is Pink. This color is linked to Lord Hanuman or the Monkey God. People usually fast and pray to this deity and prefer to wear the color Pink. This day is strongly analogous to the planet Mars. Mars is known to be an angry planet, hence the feelings of anger could be appeased by wearing the color pink.
Wednesday – Green
The color green is linked to Wednesday as it is associated with the deities of Lord Vitthal and Budha. These deities are kinder to the planet, Mercury.
Thursday – Orange
As this day is known to be the day of Lord Vishnu, people wear the color orange or yellow. He is known to wear these colors. Moreover, orange is analogous to the planet Jupiter.
Friday – Blue
As the planet associated with Friday is Venus, so the color blue. This day is associated with the Goddess Shakti who tends to prefer white. Either of the two colors is observed to be worn on this day.
Saturday – Purple
Being the color of royalty, Saturday is linked to the color purple. Black, indigo, mauve, dark gray are some acceptable colors as they are strongly associated with the wrath of Shani or the planet Saturn. Indian villagers make donations of black oil, black sesame seeds as well as donate black clothes and visit Shani Shrines on this day of the week.
What Do The Colors Mean When You Meditate?
There could be two reasons to see certain colors during meditation. Either you need to work on your chakra as it is blocked. Or, your chakra is guiding you to find the answers you are looking for. This might be a signal as to where and how you could find them. Yoga is the perfect way to work on opening up and learning to balance your chakras.
What Are The Good Meditation colors?
The good meditation colors are orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and gold. You could assume these colors to be positives or a light on the good side of life. It might even act as a guiding light, assuring you that you are on the correct path in your life. These colors are an affirmation of good decisions, choices and karmas.
What Is The Color Of Knowledge?
The color Dark Blue represents the attributes of knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness. Although this shade might not appear to everyone. Only a handful of people have observed this shade of dark blue. If you do tend to a dark shade of blue, you are for sure the lucky one.
This might mean that you have gained the knowledge you were looking for or the opposite, i.e. you are yet in the search for the knowledge your heart needs.
What Is God’s color?
As mentioned in biblical mythologies, Blue is the color of God. As it signifies the healing power of God and his moral law. This color also represents the sky, relating to the covenant between God and all of His creation. Although, according to the Hindu culture, gold or white is believed to be the color of God as it represents masculinity as well as power.
What color Is Associated With Spirituality?
The color purple is known to be associated with spirituality. This color represents your higher self, sacred nature, passion, your third eye as well as fulfillment and vitality. This color is also known to evoke feelings of spirituality, enlightenment, consciousness as well as transformation within you.
Wrapping Up
No matter what form of meditation you wish to practise, whether it is Vajrayana meditation, Vedic and transcendental meditation, mindfulness meditation, etc. Seeing colors is a common experience. But when it comes to meditation colors and their meanings, it is very important to know what each color signifies. In case you mix it up, or do not understand the color appropriately, it might cause clashes in your life overall. Also, following the days and their spiritual colors can help you ease your life and make you more harmonious towards your inner self and thought process.
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