26 Bikram Yoga Postures Benefits [With Diet Plan]

Bikram yoga is a form of yoga that is practiced in controlled conditions. This is unlike any other yoga form, but is equally beneficial!
Yoga, a form of physical training that has been around for ages, has evolved over time and is now practiced worldwide and is not restricted to one form only.
However, the basics that revolve around controlled breathing, postures, asanas, chants, and meditation remain the same.
Practicing any form of yoga can keep you grounded and in touch with your inner conscience.
It brings a sense of peace and calm. One such popular form is Bikram yoga.
Bikram Yoga
Yoga therapist Bikram Choudhury founded Bikram yoga in 1973. He began studying yoga in 1969 before he moved to the US and founded this form of yoga.
He devised the sequence of postures that consist of two breathing exercises and 24 asanas based on the writings of B. C Ghosh. However, he claims to have not studied under Mr. Ghosh.
To bring Bikram Yoga to life, Bikram Choudhury put himself in a room of higher temperature (controlled), which helped him sweat more, burning more fat in return.
Bikram Yoga is practiced in a room heated to around 41°C and with a humidity of 40%.
This temperature and humidity are said to resemble India’s and therefore make the students feel more connected to the roots of yoga itself while also helping them sweat more.
The conditions that Bikram Yoga is practiced in are the only difference that makes it stand out from traditional yoga.
Bikram yoga is known to last 90 minutes and consists of 26 postures. The 24 asanas, along with two pranayamas, benefit the mind and body. It provides similar benefits to traditional yoga, such as stress reduction, posture correction, improving lung function, etc.
One must remember not to confuse Bikram yoga with hot yoga. With Bikram Yoga, you cannot change the sequence of exercises. But with hot yoga, the asanas and duration vary every session.
Bikram Yoga Postures Benefits
It consists of 26 postures and two breathing exercises. You should perform it in the following order,
S.No. |
Yoga Name in Sanskrit |
Translation |
Benefits |
1 |
Pranayama |
Standing Deep Breathing |
Reduces high blood pressure, improved lung health |
2 |
Pādahastāsana |
Half-moon pose |
Tones spinal nerves, increases vitality |
3 |
Utkaṭāsana |
Awkward Pose |
Improves blood circulation in knees and ankles, relieves rheumatism and arthritis in legs |
4 |
Garuḍāsana |
Eagle Pose |
Improves balance, stretches and strengthens the calves and ankles |
5 |
Daṇḍāyamana Jānuśīrṣāsana |
Standing Head To Knee Pose |
Improves concentration, creates a connection between mind and body |
6 |
Daṇḍāyamana Dhanurāsana |
Standing Bow Pose |
Improves lower spine flexibility, increases cardiovascular system |
7 |
Tulādaṇḍāsana |
Balancing Stick Pose |
Relieves stress in the spine, builds endurance |
8 |
Daṇḍāyamana Vibhaktapāda Paścimottānāsana |
Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose |
Good for constipation, improves circulation in the brain |
9 |
Trikoṇāsana |
Triangle Pose |
Relieves menopause symptoms, improves digestion |
10 |
Daṇḍāyamana Vibhaktapāda Jānuśīrṣāsana |
Standing Separate Leg Head To Knee Pose |
Provides mental clarity, improves spine flexibility |
11 |
Tāḍāsana |
Tree Pose |
Makes you alert, helps with sciatica |
12 |
Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana |
Toe Stand Pose |
Improves balance and core strength |
13 |
Śavāsana |
Corpse Pose |
Increases self-awareness, helps in lowering blood pressure |
14 |
Pavanamuktāsana |
Wind Relieving Pose |
Reduces belly fat, tones arms, buttocks and legs |
15 |
Pādahastāsana |
Situp |
Improves core strength and athletic performance |
16 |
Bhujaṅgāsana |
Cobra Pose |
Stimulates abdomen, strengthens the spine |
17 |
Śalabhāsana |
Locust Pose |
Stretches muscles in the upper and lower body, relieves stress |
18 |
Pūrṇaśalabhāsana |
Full Locust Pose |
Increases rib cage elasticity, improves spinal health |
19 |
Dhanurāsana |
Bow Pose |
Strengthens muscles in the back, improve posture |
20 |
Suptavajrāsana |
Reclining Thunderbolt Pose |
Tones spinal nerves and massages abdominal organs |
21 |
Ardhakūrmāsana |
Half Tortoise Pose |
Improved blood flow circulation to the brain, loosens the spine |
22 |
Uṣṭrāsana |
Camel Pose |
Reduces thigh fat, improves respiration |
23 |
Śasāṁgāsanā |
Rabbit Pose |
Helps with insomnia and depression |
24 |
Jānuśīrṣāsana with Paścimottānāsana |
Head To Knee Pose with Back Stretching Pose |
Relieves menstrual discomfort and anxiety |
25 |
Ardha Matsyendrāsana |
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose |
Stimulates kidney and liver |
26 |
Kapālabhāti |
Skull polishing |
Improves your mood and O2 supply in the body |
Note – The following asanas require their own individual article to get into further details regarding their benefits. Mentioned in this table is a gist of benefits offered.
Here is an instructional video you can see to get a grasp of the postures. It would be best if you did not mix up or interchange the Bikram yoga sequence.
90 minute Bikram yoga guided session
Here is a playlist to learn the individual exercises.
Benefits of Bikram Yoga
1. Bikram Yoga for Weight Loss
Traditional yoga is slow and emphasizes the importance of breathing at every stage of asana. This is also similar in Bikram yoga, the only difference being that it is performed in a controlled environment of 40°C. This increased heat produces more sweat and burns a higher amount of calories.
Increased sweating equals more toxins out of the body leading to fat loss.
2. Maintains bone density
Without the right amount of exercise, regular consumption of high calcium food leads to calcium stone formation.
Bikram yoga removes toxins from the body and promotes digestion. This helps calcium reach the bones rather than turning into stones.
3. Ease depression
Studies show that Bikram yoga postures helped several people combat depression and manage stress levels. Breathing exercises performed during the practice are partially responsible for these benefits.
4. Improves heart health
Being active is the only recipe for a healthy heart. Bikram being a blend of yoga and cardio, keeps your heart health in check.
5. Manage diabetes
When the beta cells of the pancreas are deformed, it affects insulin regulation. This then leads to diabetes.
With Bikram yogic practice, the food is well digested, and the body is forced to burn fats. It helps to manage your diabetic levels.
If you are a pre-diabetic, you should try this yoga. It helps you reverse the effects of diabetes.
6. Boosts skin and hair health
The feeling of rejuvenation from Bikram yoga postures is directly proportional to the room temperature (higher the better). It removes dead cells from hair and skin in the form of sweat. It rejuvenates the skin throughout the body and is an excellent method to improve your skin and hair health.
7. Solves complicated disorders
Bikram Yoga practitioners claim that it solves complications like chronic back pain, arthritis, sinus, and other psychological disorders.
Things to know
Specific factors that you need to pay close attention to when you practice Bikram Yoga are the following:
1. Dehydration
There have been cases of people fainting/ vomiting while performing this yoga. It is a result of dehydration. Stay on a hydrated and controlled diet to avoid this.
2. Overstretching
Overstretching in a controlled temperature and continuous practice with vigorous exercises makes you feel over-flexible and fragile. Yet, this is not a huge drawback. There also have been reports of a small amount of restlessness after performing Bikram yoga for longer durations. Moderation is crucial.
Sample Diet to be taken while practicing Bikram Yoga
As you sweat more, your body also starts craving more fulfilling foods.
Therefore, a high-calorie, high protein, and moderate fats diet will suit you well. Also, keep your hydration levels in check.
Here is a sample diet you can adjust to suit your needs.
- Early morning – Lemon water with flax seeds (helps in better digestion of fats)
- Breakfast – Oats/pancakes/Idli/Poha with fruits
- Mid-morning – fruit/vegetable juices.
- Lunch – Brown Rice/Brown Bread with beans and lentils/eggs/ chicken/Fish with loads of vegetables.
- Evening snack – Green Tea/Fruit juice/vegetable juice with dry fruit laddu/wheat laddu
- Dinner – Similar to what you had for lunch
- Bedtime – Warm milk/Buttermilk
Hydration and a balanced diet are two important factors that aid in keeping up with this exercise pattern.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How many calories do you burn in Bikram Yoga?
According to a study conducted in 2014, men burn 460 calories and women burn 330 calories for a standard 90 minute yoga session.
2. What makes Bikram yoga different?
The temperature at which you perform Bikram yoga is 105°F (41°C) with 40% humidity. Staying in such a hot room for longer durations makes you sweat more and burns more fats than a typical yoga session.